Welcome, I am so glad that you stopped by!

I suppose you already know this, but I am a writer as well as a reader. My mom started me reading when I was still knee high. Because I love to read, writing comes naturally for me. 

To clarify, God gave me the gift so that's the reason, and ONLY reason I have had the success I've had so far in the writing world. I give HIM all the glory. If you are a budding writer, you need God in your life to survive the ups and downs. 

On to other things I enjoy. I love God, my husband, our pets and card making. I spend most days at home, studying the Bible, taking care of the animals, making cards, writing and taking care of my home and husband. Thankfully my husband is very laid back and puts up with all the things I enjoy doing. 

These are a few of my favorite things:

Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and He shall direct thy path. KJV

Songs: “Amazing Grace”
               “I'll Fly Away”
Beverages: Diet Dr. Pepper, Iced Tea, Hot Chocolate and lemon water. Note: water is last.
Foods:  Chinese
Favorite Restaurants:    The Long Dragon
                                           Los Hermanito's
Fiction:    Harry Potter Series by JK Rowlings
                 The Mrs. Jefferies Series by Emily Brightwell
                  Redwall Series by Brian Jacques
Nonfiction:   The Bible by God
                      Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson
                      Heaven: Close Encounter of the God Kind by Jesse Duplantis                
Movies:    Hobbit
                 Lord of the Rings All three movies
                 While You Were Sleeping
                 Disney's The Sword In The Stone and Brave

Heroes:        Jesus Christ
                     Our American Servicemen and Women
                     James Larry Gibson Jr. (Who else could put up with me?)
I hope this has given you a little insight into me.


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